Title: Cinder & Ashe #1
Publisher: DC
A gun for hire duo who solve problems in A -Team fashion. However unlike Hannibal and co. this is a far more gritty tale of an ex Vietnam Vet from the French Quarter and Vietnamese street orphan.
A good read, doesn’t try to hide the dirt and desperation of the war and it’s consequences on ordinary people, but doesn’t lull into a full on tale of woe either. After reading this I will be on the lookout for the other titles in the mini series.
I was surprised at the graphic nature of some of the events in a DC title, but well done to them for not trying to sugar coat this story, or try to turn it into a superhero tale (it may still do but don’t think so).
Written by Gerry Conway who has worked on loads of main stream comics, defiantly has become a writer I will look out for.
You can buy Cinder & Ashe #1 from my ebid store
or check out amazon for more Gerry Conway titles