What doesn’t this comic have, It has time travel, battles, aliens and a world war 2 bomber plane.
A really fast paced quick and enjoyable read. There is lots of scope for the story to be developed further, however the picture libraries were not designed for ongoing story lines, they were mostly created as 1 off stories with the only link being the title.
There is more than a reference to Wells and War of the worlds, however one of the characters talks about Lovecraft and that is how the story bridges into the pilots from another time surviving on a futuristic conquered Earth.
Starblazer have always been good reads, and the quality of story and art are always great. Try something new and if you haven’t seen these comics before you get a lot for a relatively cheap price and I think if you like Sci Fi you wont be disappointed with this.
Buy Starblazer #105 from Boarder Comics
Or you can try Starblazer Adventures Game from Amazon