Title: The Premature Burial
Publisher: Dark Horse Comics
Based on tales by Edgar Allen Poe, these have been issued into a few one shot comics, which tells 2 to 3 tales in each and re-written by Richard Corben for a modern audience.
This has the air of a Tales of the Crypt release even down to Meg the Hag who is like the creepy presenter.
Having not read or heard the original tales from Poe, don’t know how close they are to the comics, but what I did feel after a really strong start where a man of the time poisons his fiancé so he can have sex with her, the tale almost felt rushed and the ending came about a little to quick, which I can’t see any author not exploiting the sense of terror and emotional distress the protagonist would have been under, sadly the comic goes for cheap gag and doesn’t work.
The second tale was weak and after a confusing confession we find the murderer after about 7/8 pages of story telling just decides no more explanation.
Personally I think both tales could have gone a full comic by themselves and leave out the comic character trying to be sinister funny.
As soon as I got this I wanted to read it, but felt a little let down. However if you like Tales of terror, crypt etc. then I bet you will like this new vision on the 50’s horror comics.
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