Title: FMF #1
Publisher: London Night Comics
A taster comic containing 4 characters released by London Night.
The first chapter is Razor, a crime fighter who shreds limbs off gangsters is Queen City. A decent start and did make me want to find Razor comics to see what the story holds.
2nd chapter is Arvonia, to be honest the art work was so scratchy and hard to follow I gave up, colour would defiantly help this shapeshifter story.
3rd chapter was Killing Machine, same as Arvonia bad artwork drawn almost childlike couldn’t even get into the story.
Last Chapter was Sade, read the lot, but the story never really took off in this edition, but interesting enough too look at more.
The artwork on all 4 stories reminded me of 2000ad, some is brilliant other artists I wouldn’t look at twice. I hate scratchy overworked scenes that is why HOTD doesn’t work in Manga but the Anime is brilliant.
London Night are pushing the big boobs naked women covers, but if you are looking for sex and eroticism then there was none in this title. maybe they should have invested a bit more in some of the characters than worrying about fetish. Still worth having a look at though.
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